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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Mensagem de Palavras

"Não cobre amor, dê amor.
Não mendigue um sorriso, sorria.
Não critique, faça algo para mudar.
Não deposite expectativas nos outros, deposite-as em você.
Não reclame sobre a vida, viva.
A vida é aquilo que você faz dela, portanto, faça o melhor que puder."
Desconheço o autor

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Message Today

This oyster was more than 200 years old and was full of huge pearls. But it was the highest bidder in an auction for US$ 1,000,000.

Information found in Jubilut teacher page (Biology).

I think this oyster should continue in nature.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Wearing Peace

Today I want to dress me of contentment, use the colors of joy, during my day I was getting faded.
Caught my brushes and ink to retouch my life with the colors of the party that my soul celebrates and governs mildly, my mind flies and hitches a ride on bird wings the wind carried. In his mildness, even gives swooped, meets with gloomy clouds on your highway. So when it transposes one can view a new scene and the bird sits on the tip of a rainbow. Anyway I feel recomposed and with colors of peace.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Vestindo Paz

Hoje quero vestir-me de contentamento, usar as cores da alegria, no decorrer do meu dia fui ficando desbotada.
Pego meus pinceis e tinta para retocar minha vida com as cores da festa que minha alma festeja e leve governa, o pensamento voa e pega carona nas asas do pássaro que o vento conduz. Em sua brandura, até dá um rasante, encontra com nuvens sombrias no seu caminho alto. Então quando tudo transpõe se avista um novo cenário e o pássaro pousa na ponta de um arco-íris...Enfim sinto-me recomposta e com cores de paz.
Dini Galvão

Friday, January 2, 2015

Ano 2015

As coisas tangíveis tornam-se insensíveis à palma da mão, mas as coisas findas muito mais que lindas, essas ficarão.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Sunday, December 21, 2014

On this Christmas

What is inside of the people throughout the year is free in the hearts everyone who celebrates love, peace, brotherhood.
May it is not only fleeting joys, but the beginning of transformation.
May the feelings are transmitted in the attitudes of love with others.
The establishment of a new awakening is reciprocal, heading towards the community well, the union between peoples.
And never forgetting the real reason that urges us in this day of so great party: Jesus!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Wishes

"I wish you have the look the enchantment of life! That you have at heart the fullness of love! In your soul the true meaning of Christmas, peace and the certainty that God blesses everyone and will walk beside you every day of the year to come." And always!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sonho de Natal

Que este sonho de Natal
No seu sentido integral
Traga uma esperança contida
De amor e fraternidade
E recíproca amizade
P'ra ter mais sentido a vida.

Que termine o sofrimento
Daqueles cujos tormentos
É dor e opressão
Aos tristes, dê alegria
E volte a dar companhia
A quem vive em solidão.

Do que o Natal nos traz
Que traga sem falta a paz
De que o mundo bem carece
P'ra que não permita a guerra
Nem haja fome na terra
E o novo mundo comece.

Que o menino da bondade
Permita a realidade
De todos sermos iguais
Em sentimento unido
Faça que os dias vividos
Possam ser todos Natais.
Poema de Euclides Cavaco

Monday, December 8, 2014

Desejos de Natal

Neste Natal deixe pouca luz, só a tranquilidade, a paz para todos os homens na Terra.
A luz que aclara e reluzem os olhos já está acesa há muitos anos.
Que os pensamentos se unam, no amor, na pureza da alma, e na verdadeira humildade.
E oferecer presentes ao mundo nas atitudes ajudando todos aqueles, que necessitarem.
This picture was submitted by Krish.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Perseverance and sensitivity of someone who did something and it paid too much.
The seed we sow today cannot be us who we will reap the fruit.

"A man lived in a big city and worked in a factory.
Every day he traveled fifty minutes by bus to go to work.
In the next bus stop to him entered an old lady, who always sought her sit on a bench near the window.
She opened her purse, pulled out a small package and spent the whole trip throwing something out of the bus.
The scene was repeated forever and a day, curious, the man asked her what she threw through the window.
-  I threw seeds, she said.
- Seeds? Seeds of what?
- Of flower. It is that I look out and the road is so empty ... I wish I could travel seeing colorful flowers all the way. Imagine how good it would be!
- But the seeds fall to the asphalt, are crushed by the tires of cars, eaten by birds ... You really think these flowers will be born there, on the roadside?
- I think, boy. Even though many are lost, some end up falling on the ground and over time will sprout.
- Even so slow to grow, need water ...
- I do what should I do. There's always rainy days. And if I do not throw them the seeds, then they can never be born.
Having said that, the old lady turned to the open window and resumed her work.
The man went down just ahead thinking that the lady was already half lapses.
Time passed.
One day, on the same bus sitting by the window, the man was shocked to look out and see flowers on the roadside ... Many flowers ... The landscape was colorful, fragrant, beautiful!
He remembered the old lady, he searched on the bus and asked the conductor, who knew everyone.
- Where's the old lady of the seeds?
- Yeah ... She died of pneumonia last month.
The man returned to his seat and continued looking at the flowery landscape.
Who knew, even the flowers sprouted, he thought. But what good work the old lady did.
The poor thing died and could not see all this beauty.
At that moment, the man heard a child's laughter. In the front seat, a little girl was pointing out the window excitedly:
- Look, how beautiful! How much flower on the road ... What are the names that flowers?
Then the man understood what the old lady had done.
Even not being there to contemplate what she had planted, after she had given a wonderful gift for people.
The next day, the man entered the bus, sat down on the bench near the window and took out a small package."

We will plant seeds too, we can see the flowers or not, but the important thing is that others will see.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Quote for You ☼☼ Christmas

Christmas is coming.
Angels yearn for a starry sky
Walking and looking just shine on the way forward, arriving soon found the biggest star. A Child was born, but this is the biggest Shining Star!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


There are people who abandon animals on the streets. If you cannot take care of it, then find someone who can do it and give it a comfortable place. Do not leave abandoned animals.
The dog in the photo is not abandoned

Quote for Today

The ray of light from the burning sun takes a great pleasure to laugh and be happy together; a noble feeling that joyful and sometimes can even be sad, but somehow makes us thoughtful and we can understand the time, thought and the way of each one.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Beauty in Nature

The moment of beauty starts in the morning. Stands out on the horizon and the sun gradually taking all the blue sky. With it the flowers open a colorful unique look that smile when land and butterflies feed on with the nectar and then fly smiling in gratitude, which seems until  sing, danced and go back later on.
Noon that hot! There is the sun high in the sky and the beautiful sunset clouds warn that rain comes. Noisy thunder and lightning photographing the nature, and the rain falls and runs down in the street torrential waters. Everything so beautiful and so perfect masterpiece is the most gorgeous to see, without even talking about the most beautiful part. When everything cease and no longer rains more, there is the arch on top, colored to look at me, with colors of joy. It is the smiley rainbow.
Soon arrives then at night, a soft breeze touch the faces, incandescent star shines all to harmonize. Overshadowing any other light, the moon says - hello, good night!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Quote for today

"My strength is in loneliness, I'm not afraid neither timely nor of large loose gales rains because I'm also the darkness of the night."
Clarice Lispector

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Quote for Today

"To build a wall between us ♬ 
Hey now, hey now
Don't let them win
Them come, they come
Don't let them win

Now I'm walking again to the beat of a drum and I'm counting the steps to the door of your heart. Only shadows ahead.
Barely clearing the roof. Get to know the feeling of liberation and relief." ♬ 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Quote for Today

Any difficult situation is forever, when the cloud is fraught showing that it will rain. After falling to the storm among many dangerous rays, noisy thunder and rushing wind, it seems like everything is crumbling. Suddenly it all ceases and then see in the sky an exuberant rainbow. Then you feel that it is worth moving on.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Message for Today

"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."
Ashley Smith 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Message for Today

In the ocean there impetuosity and also the calm, depends on how we look at it, depends on how is our heart.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mensagem da Noite

Desejo que a sua vida inteira seja abençoada, cada pequenino trecho dela, em toda a sua extensão.
Que cada benção abrace também as pessoas que ama e seja tão vasta que leve abraço a outros tantos.
Ana Jácomo

Message for You

The laughter and the tragic are human manifestations found in inebriants faces in total surrender in the face of extreme roll of a soul and a feeling they cease, joy or tear will always be on the world stage where spin and give the message to the big close curtain.
Dini Galvão :)
Panorama roses

Message with Music/ George Michael Jesus to a Child

The love is already inside of us, and when it touches is genuine then it is even as a child.. 

Message of the Day

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
― Mark Twain

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Message For You

"Don't miss all the beautiful colors of the rainbow looking for that pot of gold".

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Rainbow and the Butterflies: There Is No Distance Between Two Heart//Não Existe...

The Rainbow and the Butterflies: There Is No Distance Between Two Heart//Não Existe...: One day I've met you and the friendship was instantaneous. Since then it only got added day by day. One day I've cried and you ...

There Is No Distance Between Two Heart//Não Existe Distância Entre Dois Corações

One day I've met you and the friendship was instantaneous.
Since then it only got added day by day.
One day I've cried and you cried with me and then you told me in a small voice shh, shh, shh, it's past now.
One day I've got really angry and you said me; tell me everything you need because I'm going to listen.
One day I've said something funny and you laughed with me.
One day you've woken me up and sang to me.
One day we've talked for infinite hours, that I don't even remember who said good bye.
One day you've told me, come and have lunch with me, and we did eat together, I in my home, and you in yours.
Several times we've argued and when we got back at talking it was as though we had never stopped, because in truth we've never were silent.
One day you've said me, you are to me as precious as a pearl.
I know that after knowing you I did not feel alone, I've always known you're there, away, but there every time I needed to talk, you used to say, talk to me and I will listen.
One day you've told me, come, I will wait in the airport.
One day you've told me that there is not geographical distance between two hearts.
One day I came to know that you were a gift that God's sent me.
And now I also know that there was a time for us.
That as God gave me you, He also took you.
I also know that I don't know anything anymore.
I only know that you rest beside Him, in the arms of the author of creation, too.
I only know that today I live without you.
And I also know that you are in my memory every instant.

Um dia conheci você e nossa amizade foi imediata.
Daí em diante só somou no dia a dia.
Um dia eu chorei e você chorou comigo e depois me disse baixinho, shi, shi, shi já passou.
Um dia eu fiquei tão brava e você me disse, fale tudo que precisa porque eu vou te ouvir.
Um dia eu disse algo engraçado e você gargalhou junto comigo.
Um dia você acordou-me e cantou para mim.
Um dia nós conversamos por infinitas horas, que eu já nem me lembro quem disse tchau.
Um dia você me disse, vem almoçar comigo, e nós almoçamos juntos eu em minha casa e você na sua.
 Diversas vezes nós brigamos e quando voltávamos a nos falar era como se nunca tivéssemos nos calado, porque na verdade nunca nos calamos.
Um dia você disse, você é preciosa para mim como uma pérola.
Sei que depois de conhecer-te não me senti sozinha, sempre soube que você estava lá, distante, mas estava lá e sempre que eu precisava falar, você dizia, fale que eu vou te escutar.
Um dia você me disse vem, eu te espero no aeroporto.
Um dia soube que não há distancia geográfica entre dois corações.
Também um dia soube que você foi um presente que Deus me enviou.
E agora também sei que existiu um tempo para nós.
Que assim como Deus me deu você Ele também o levou.
Sei também que já não sei nada.
Só sei que descansa ao lado d'Ele, nos braços do autor da criação, também.
Sei, hoje vivo sem você.
E sei também que você está em minha lembrança todos os instantes.
Dinizia Galvão

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Light from Heaven

Went out a smile in the corner of the lips and often we were laughing and it was there that our happiness was almost unconscious surfaced. I, a child who already knew what I wanted even with so many uncertainties that showed the opposite of my little words:
- Mama, I'm still going to win the world, I'll do it like a hallucinated to reach the top, but as you teach me, climbing the ladder of life without trampling anyone. I want to rock! Thus they passed our days, and you know that I still found it difficult to study because they had no fixed address. Oh! How much trouble is found today, even threats that I was taken away from my mother in court I was scared of it, because with so many problems to solve, but together were pure strength in moments of almost constant worries. Sometimes insecurity came without control, repeatedly watched the crying restrained my mother that were camouflaged with smiles that conveyed me much love. She did not like to show me uncertainty does not allow me to feel fear because for her act of cowardice was inadmissible Mom also worried that I would go out in the adult. How strong she was, never met anyone like that! But it was not only deep hole our life, we enjoyed the adventures that happened because of coincidences, full with dread, I admit, but after that everything ceased, we fell about laughing because after it happened even always we go out unscathed. I will tell of the adventures that under the circumstances we had to pass. Good, when it came in handy on a path it obligation we had to cross. It was us starting our journey in search of a land that my father had left him before he left this world.
I accompanied my mother, began a path that seemed more the desert, it was a road or a large, secluded street with broken asphalt and in places there was no one on the ground or tar if he had was mixed with land tar crumbling. Gave early twilight, the sky was blue as the sun went down, it was like giving the vision, the grandeur, the glamor! Looking up ahead we could see a railway road, continue walking until you get closer, when we spotted two horses. They were red, one still a baby, so I think that would be another mare, and the animals were moving the stones that sustain the steel rails. We take a huge scare, we heard the horn of a train that was coming about one kilometers and animals approaching the train tracks and the train was hurrying the toot. Fast walk for the horses and as we got closer, they also came closer to meet with the train. We try to frighten those horses with no notion it were happy. The train is coming closer, my mother and I tried everything for the mare and her cub came out of there without any success, perplexed and paralyzed watching the scene of horror that was about to happen. At the apex of the precise moment, we only saw one with its hind legs pushing her cub fell on the stones that support rails mother, while she also raised front legs, thus avoiding the impact. Yet we heard a loud noise, saw that great Animal also falling on the stones, and a few more steps we come very close. To our surprise the two horses were standing intact because the train had not even touched them. And what was the big noise we hear then? Once we were over the rocks and then saw another quite different from the other than that is there stone. It was far greater, more or less a kilo, and brownish. Well, the loud noise coming from the impact of the stone with the train we had no doubt, however the question was. Where that big boulder as well came the moment that the horses were going to be run over? Well, that we do not know, but we continue our journey and the horses were in the same direction. But something intrigued me! I felt a strong heat and time.
Became clearer I say this because they were already seven in the evening and winter. I felt strange, it was then that I looked up and I saw a bright light more or less at the same time flying helicopters; so I said:
̶ Look Mom for that up there! She looked and how great was the fright!
- My boy, it bright light! Is up scorching my eye if I look there again, I cannot see the road; I am also feeling my hot body! - Me too! I looked for horses that walked right next to us and realized that they were dripping sweat and the tiniest poor thing; his steps were slow as well. I tried to look again for that clarity and see if I could understand what it was that strange thing. That was too weird! I already did not even know where we were going. The already untenable situation, when my mother said: - My son, we're going back. - Yes Mom, why?

- Because I'm afraid to move.
 I had never heard such words from my mother! I crazy about hear it yourself! Said real quickly:
- Yes we will! Already turned the opposite side, and even before it comes out ahead.
- Marcio Jose, wait, do not be so afraid. Well, well! We care about the horses, see younger. Let's make them come back with us.
I was shitting myself as whole, said:
- Call; just call what they saw behind us. Said this, but I kind of ran! Just heard my mother talking to me:
- Left everything to me. My son, Marcio I also cannot stand this burning light! When I tried to look up, she looked like she was blinking dropping rays.
- We were breathless! - My son seems to need more of me than I of him. That's when I decided to call him, asking him to come help me with the horses:
- Come Marcio Jose, come help me, I cannot do alone. I with dirty pants, yet I was overwhelmed by a wave of courage, greater heat and fear, was even melting the bones. So I went to help my mom. Because it's was not always thus helping one another? Do not let my mother so loved, regardless of the events of the occasion. Good, help the horses by intelligence, or animal instinct, were already returning too. Almost could not bear it warmed our body in waves intense heat, the feeling was that we could pass out and for lack of help, melt. When we asked no more bear the warmth, the light was turning on a light cloud like snow, giving small spins, and that intense heat became cold with the same intensity. Began to tremble now, the chill was hardening, I thought, my mother, the mare, the horse and I were going to have hypothermia. Actually even I was not able to reason very well, however I noticed the temperature was gradually alternating between cold and heat. However it was too cold or too hot! But even better so we could get out of that situation that left us puzzled. Because it would be what was happening? We saw an old warehouse expropriated, we enter that place dirty and full of insects, we did the horses entered too, we spent the night there. The next morning, afraid to go out slowly, we noticed that there was nothing more than light or strange cloud and then we start walking again and we found the terrain where my mother turned into a small plantation it supported us for many years. The horses have found their owner who was the wait. What was that light, or white cloud like snow? The cold and heat so intense; it would be a ghost? No! Do not believe it. Extraterrestrial; for know that to this day I have not found the answer and Mom also was unknowingly.
Dinizia Galvão

Friday, October 31, 2014

Recycling of Life

Deliver flowers to my mom, give her a kiss and run out of the way to school, as always late. It's a great distance to school by green walls and old tables, a black slate and varnished mobile already looks old and needs a makeover. I go every day, I walk over two miles and the road is of red soil, what happens when a car passes me I have to feel the dust in my nostrils going into my throat. And then, if it rains, it's mud that swallows up my feet up to my white socks that Mom makes a point of bleaching them and got that walking into a reddening of the earth and I can not help it, so if I do not take great care even when I fall many times is so slippery that I have to hold on to a tree branch that encounter along the way. So these are many of my days, I come and go. I leave school at one o'clock, I arrive at my house nearly fifteen hours, when it does not rain, but when it happens, then I get sixteen. I walk as fast as I can, because I like to be close to Mom. Only she exists in my life, I love her very much and I am a damn afraid to lose her, all I've got is this person, my mom is my haven and my family. This small family. No, this family is huge within us and that is enough for me, for I realize that it is also sufficient. Often think my mom should find someone and get married, but will she? I fear that he is an outsider and do not want to be intrusive in your life. Sometimes I think I'm selfish because I want us to be only us.
Our life is so hard, there is no money, but with much more economy the way Mom always manages to feed us and pay small bills, with so little income she always makes small purchases too. So we're living in, I think I should work, but no one will give me service. Then I'll work on small crafts. Nowadays many people work with recyclables. Just have to tell my mom that I want to work with recycling and I think she'll agree.
  - Mama, I'm working with recycling. Then she answered me with a question.
- Working with recyclable?
- Yes, there are so many people making a living today?
- - Yes, you can go, just can never stop learning. I think I was clear?
- Yes Mom. She continues talking.
- You must study hard to be a doctor. Going to be a doctor! You want to be a doctor?
- Yes, I want to be, the work will be hard, but I will fight with vigor! Then dare the sound of your voice again.
- That's right! Okay so you can go to work.
- To my mother is very important for me to study, think so too, although I do not like very much my school, but if I want to be a doctor ... I work hard! Well and that is what I do and I know I'll get where I want. My mother always says that everything we want, we can achieve, also says that we must become more awake than asleep. I'm still a teenager and I love to sleep, I can not do anything, well, anything professional because I have none. So I can make so many other jobs to get money, I'll catch cans and other recyclable materials, do odd jobs here and there, like Mom says "cash in hand is still a little better than nothing", I also know we economies and we can achieve many things that I want and need. Mom also need, I know I have to take care of her, I love her so much. Tomorrow after school I go out there and get some hard work and make it into money, yes, I like to do. Everything I do will have great results with dedication and persistence that is what I believe, it is my commitment. We are poor, worthy and I know the strength that comes from within is greater than all the power that is here on the outside, all the power that commands and obeys society, are being controlled and unnoticed. But I assure everyone that with me will be different, very different! If we do not do for us here on this earth, who will? After God, who knows all things, I trust myself and my mother, of course, we also found true friends. But there are moments in life that we must believe in ourselves only.
Early in the morning there I'll harvest the flowers, bring my mother with pleasure she gets with immeasurable love and she always grins. There on that field, I say it's a small grove in the encounter with my beautiful butterflies dancing around me, sometimes they land on me again, I'm really happy! At the end of the harvest of various wildflowers, rushing me to come home. Now I can already see my mother waiting for me at the door and flowers. I approach giving her a kiss on the cheek and out at speed to school. And it seems that walking all the miles I see before me is not easy, but I'm going with courage, I know I have to overcome all obstacles in my way of life.
One more day of school and the end of the period back to my house because I have to go do the work and I know this will be another drudgery of my life.
Arriving home, Mom with breakfast lunch ready, she does not fail in anything, it is impeccable, I immediately begin my meal, the hunger is always huge, like a hungry lion. A simple meal, yet delicious that I do not know how else equal. Vegetables and cereals whenever the garden of our house. Our plantation is being expanded with the passage of time. - Whenever I rest after the meal and then I will help her sell, but today I can not even think about it, I say about rest, I'll have to look and sell recyclable. So I told my mom it was time to go to battle.
   - Mom, I'm going to have! - I give her a kiss and always go out fast not to let her upset. But she called me and said:
   - You will get the cans?
   - Yes mama, I answered, then she told me:
   - Take great care; my son, very careful, you are my highest good! I replied:
- You are mine too!
  - Here I come to find my first job away from home, but because, as I said working on a small plantation farming Mom, even more now that she has reserved a threshing floor is small, but it is well to dry our cereal. I want to do other work also to have an increase in income, I know I'll work double time, it must be so. Times are tough for us and also to make it harder sometimes appears preaches on the plantation and move to fight them, requires hard work.
- So let live: with strength, faith, determination and courage to transform our lives into a promising future, I'm too young, I have much to learn and learn and know in advance is a place where I'll fit in, being a fantastic doctor!
Dinizia Galvão

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ardis of a Physician/ For friends

Excerpt from my book Ardis of a Doctor

I call you friend, who teaches powerful word and enter the silence of the soul and gets the heart and expresses confidence in me.
I call you friend; woman or man, for soul has no sex, color, race, social class, age or religion.
Got friends coming and going, but the fact that comes and goes, is that we learn and teach something too
The light ray from the burning sun and leads to a greatly pleased to laugh together and be happy; a  noble sentiment that cheerful and sometimes may be even sad, but somehow makes us reflective moments that leads us to understand the time, thought and individuality of ever ...
Dinizia Galvão

Recycling of Life

Always loved this garden, I run here every day to harvest flowers and take them to my beloved mother. Woman, I have like the perfect person above my own life.
I enter through this cultivation of ornamental flowers that nature takes care to show every day, they are of all colors, but the yellow stand out, and there they are also many beautiful butterflies danced to receive me, a dance of flight and one of them lands on the stigma of a flower, and then I always think that that's the flower that I have to harvest, also danced around my body doing reverence simply be that small to me is so strong as presence of those mild characters and a show made just for me. I feel important before them that hypnotize me with their gestures of freedom. I also feel that same feeling overflowing in harmony with them, Webbing me these little beings and dancers. I see a stage, they starring in the scene and I and flowers are the audience. After I admire them with immeasurable refinement there I run sometimes intertwine my feet wet in the bush and by fine white dew on winter mornings. This way always following the butterflies, my favorite, always a blue wing. They are beautiful! I really like this, picking lots of flowers and take them very happy for my mother who is always standing at the door waiting for me. She also loves to receive bouquets and hugging me goes and puts them in a vase, her favorite they are yellow. As everything is gratifying to us that even on rainy days I go looking for that gift that nature gives me and what I offer to my mothers' life. I love giving and receiving love! How fortunate we are! My mother is everything in my life, not think about having a wife when you get older because they think it will disrupt my relationship with my mother. And she always says:
- When you grow up my son will find someone and be happy, that woman will outshine with charm and looks of love; beautiful, completely beautiful! - And when she speaks of beauty, she is telling the most of the beauty that comes from the soul, the innermost being, because my mother is the most important private there within every human being. It is beyond my mother, a very special being, superior qualities, an inexplicable love for the human figure, helping others is a must, do more than that is always love and she does not expect for exchange or return, just makes for pleasure of feeling gratified to help. Imagine what it means to me to have a mother who is looking for others that way as well, I'm proud of so much kindness, humility, simplicity and nobility.
Every morning she wakes me up early because I know that before I will pick flowers. May even seem strange to an outsider, every day the same routine attitude of going to the woods, because they are wildflowers, also have no money to buy a flower shop, We are very poor, my mother is receiving income from sales of a tiny plantation we have in the backyard. It is even very little, because my dad when he departed this world has left nothing for her to receive, because he has always worked as an assistant sundry services, had no record in the professional portfolio, working nozzle.
When I'm already back with the flowers, Mom looks at me and goes away already saying:
- Come on my son you need to study, the school expects you; I see your future, yes, your future. I see a doctor! On one Duarte family was never important, but you will be.
Dinizia Galvão

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Girl and Butterfly

Beautiful afternoon! After the rain, a rainbow on the background comes out from a montain. Runs to me a child carrying a butterfly on the hand, which is writhes, wanting to fly and regain its liberty. I am there standing and ask.
- Don't you think this butterfly wants to be free? See how it writhes; notice that it wants to fly!"
The child looks at me fixedly and then I noticed how innocent she is, truthful on her gaze, on her tender age brought me the animal, which out on the marble did not want to fly anymore, there it stood near us, with closed wings and turned up. In that moment it did not need to go away anymore and it even looked to like being there, feeling at ease.
So the child told me.
- I've always wanted to catch one of these and now I made it, I'm glad! - I noticed the joy, she exuded happiness, in absolute ecstasy for it being the first time she could catch a butterfly, that until then tried over and over again. How amazing! The arthropod that normally would not feel at ease anywhere but its habitat seemed to notice that child was not threat, and thus continued there and was tranquil. I reckon that that the child's purity proportionated that the little being felt comfortable. 
Everything happens through the natural, where there is truth, also present in confidence and in the genuine truth on the girl's eyes. The small being got calmer e trusted that no harm surrounded it.
So, where the genuine truth reigns, there are also mutual confidence, love, complicity, respect and we can list much more substantives.
And in the stillness of such a unique moment the child, the butterfly and I feel as one. Suddenly I realized and said:
- Now let it go to its flight of freedom, because it only came to visit us and give us its trust.
The girl blew slightly and the butterfly opened its wings and flew with gratitude, even dancing around us and then it was gone. So I told the girl:
- Come back some day, I will wait with my my finger for you to make your landing.
Dinizia Galvão

By Mayur Kotlikar

Message with music..Old Time

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Message of the Day

I like the silence, because I find tranquility, I need silence, also find inspiration, love the silence, with it many problems I can solve.
Silence prevents strife, attitudes precipitate. So before of you talk, listen. Remain silent.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quote for you

Some have gifts to speak beautiful words.
Others have the gifts of speaking and listening.
Some have the gift to keep quiet.
There is always someone with the gift only to smile wide.
                                               Dinizia Galvão

Sunday, October 19, 2014


A perseverança e sensibilidade de alguém que fez algo e valeu a pena.
A semente que plantamos hoje pode não ser nós que vamos colher o fruto.

"Um homem morava numa cidade grande e trabalhava em uma fábrica.
Todos os dias ele viajava cinquenta minutos, de ônibus, para ir ao trabalho.
No ponto seguinte ao dele entrava uma senhora que procurava sempre sentar na janela.
Ela abria a bolsa, tirava um pacotinho e passava a viagem toda jogando alguma coisa para fora do ônibus.
A cena sempre se repetia e um dia, curioso, o homem lhe perguntou o que jogava pela janela.
- Jogo sementes, respondeu ela.
- Sementes? Sementes de que?
- De flor. É que eu olho para fora e a estrada é tão vazia...Gostaria de poder viajar vendo flores coloridas por todo o caminho. Imagine como seria bom!
- Mas as sementes caem no asfalto, são esmagadas pelos pneus dos carros, devoradas pelos passarinhos...A senhora acha mesmo que estas flores vão nascer aí, na beira da estrada?
- Acho, meu filho. Mesmo que muitas se percam, algumas acabam caindo na terra e com o tempo vão brotar.
- Mesmo assim demoram para crescer, precisam de água...
- Ah, eu faço minha parte. Sempre há dias de chuva. E se eu não jogar as sementes, aí mesmo é que as flores nunca vão nascer.
Dizendo isso, a velhinha virou-se para a janela aberta e recomeçou seu "trabalho".
O homem desceu logo adiante achando que a senhora já estava meio caduca.
O tempo passou.
Um dia, no mesmo ônibus sentado à janela, o homem levou um susto ao olhar para fora e ver flores na beira da estrada...Muitas flores...A paisagem estava colorida, perfumada, linda!
O homem lembrou-se da velhinha, procurou-a no ônibus e acabou perguntando para o cobrador, que conhecia todo mundo.
- A velhinha das sementes?
- Pois é...Morreu de pneumonia no mês passado.
O homem voltou para seu lugar e continuou olhando a paisagem florida.
"Quem diria, as flores brotaram mesmo," pensou. Mas de que adianta o trabalho da velhinha?
A coitada morreu e não pode ver esta beleza toda.
Nesse instante, o homem escutou uma risada de criança. No banco da frente, uma garotinha apontava pela janela, entusiasmada:
- Olha, que lindo! Quanta flor pela estrada...Como se chamam aquela flores?
Então, o homem entendeu o que a velhinha tinha feito.
Mesmo não estando ali para contemplar o que tinha plantado, afinal, ela tinha dado um presente maravilhoso para as pessoas.
No dia seguinte, o homem entrou no ônibus, sentou-se numa janela e tirou um pacotinho do bolso."
Autor desconhecido
Vamos jogar sementes também, podemos ver ou não as flores. Isso não importa

Friday, October 17, 2014

Message of the Day

Even if I could know before birth that the world would be this disorder, yet so wish I was born. I would not give rise to other sperm.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Message for Professor

Parabéns professor, Deus ilumine seu caminho!
Abençoado seja todo aquele que tem a arte do saber e divide o que sabe, tocando a alma que aprende.
Abençoado seja o que ensina e sabe que todos os dias há algo para aprender. \o/
Blessed be every one who has the art of knowing and shares it, touching the soul that learns.
Blessed be the one who teaches and knows that everyday there is something to learn.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Message for You

Feel hugged by the wind I blew to you now, because you are special to me.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Message of the Day

The distance between two hearts, may be physical, but the distance between two thoughts nothing can separate.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Circus

Once walking along the road, then I noticed there some distant bright lights, blinking.
A wonder! I walked up there, I was coming closer and closer when I noticed I was already there. It was a circus! I looked around and noticed that had a boy sitting on a stool in the corner. I approached to ask what time would have show. Then he told me that they needed a girl to work in the circus. The guy looked me up and down, and asked me if I could do something. I said very quickly that I could sing, so he asked me for singing a snippet of a song. I sang! He looked at me again and said that my way worked. I had the qualities for the job. He asked if I wanted to work there. I accepted immediately. And it was the most beautiful event for me since then.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Message of the Day

Behind rainbow you are and do not see me anymore, but I can know that you are there.. <3

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Message especially for you, woman.

Breast cancer is a serious disease, but it can be cured if detectad early through mammography.
by Getty Images                                                      

Message of the Day

A light breeze, but enough for me to feel relief from the intense heat that burned my body in the blue sea.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

After The Rain

David Wise

The worlds full of pain
Days are the same
Our spirit gets broken but our hope sttil remains
The worlds fuul of pain
With nothing to gain
Remember there's always a rainbow shining after the rain
When you feel the strain
With no one to blame
Remember there's always a rainbow shining after the rain.

Phrase for Day

Smile when you wake up in the morning. The smile lights up the face of those who give and who receives it warms.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Lost at Sea

A very green mountain in the corner of a shrouded stony beach, stunning scenery! Blue sea, I was there swimming and fighting off those strong impetuous waves trying to get in the Alva sand. Looking at the horizon I could see an immense sea in front of me began to despair, because I saw no one, no boat of any fisherman, or a jet-ski or surfers that beach was common. No! No one came to help me, I started screaming for help, hoping someone would hear me, someone walking along the beach, or someone playing on the stones, but all I did was in vain. All I had lived began go through my head like a movie, I was twelve old and lived full of happiness, I was looking all over and so premature, I did not believe, so I thought everything was a dream, and soon wake up and would feel relieved! Began dusk and twilight made ​​me even more scared! At night the tide rises and the waves get even stronger, I struggled more and more, so I began to losing strength, stopped debating me and I began to float, but nothing worked, the sea around me so that already was swallowing me more and more into it. I felt I was sinking and could not react by I felt that seawater entering my nostrils. Suddenly, everything stopped, I felt a lightness, a relief, it seemed that my body sank into my soul while I went up and saw the rising, rising higher and higher. Then I looked at the beach, what a fright! I could see my body lying there, so I thought, I think I died and the waves took my body to the sand. I could not believe me was twelve years old! I gave a loud sigh and woke up screaming, very scared, calling for my mother: I jumped out of bed I went to the floor. What a relief when I realized that it had all been a dream!
Dini Galvão

Message of the Day

Não há nada de errado com aqueles que não gostam de política, simplesmente serão governados por aqueles que gostam.
Fonte da imagem Hora do Angelus

Saturday, October 4, 2014


If I could ask you something. I would ask, do that to me one more time.
But I can not, is impossible because you are no more here.
Neither here, nor there where you were.
You're gone and will not come back.
But there is still a chance, if I wake up and so realize that it was all a nightmare.
Dini Galvão

Friday, October 3, 2014

Para falar do Circo

Uma vez andando pela rua, então eu notei lá distante umas luzes brilhantes, piscando.
Uma maravilha! Então caminhei até lá, fui chegando, chegando cada vez mais perto e quando notei já estava lá dentro. Era um circo, gente! Olhei para o lado e notei que tinha um rapaz sentado num banquinho que estava assim bem no cantinho. Eu me aproximei para perguntar que horas ia ter espetáculo. Foi então que ele me falou que estavam precisando de uma moça para trabalhar no circo. O rapaz me olhou de cima em baixo, e me perguntou se eu sabia fazer alguma coisa. Eu disse mais que rápido que sabia cantar, ele me pediu que desse uma palinha de alguma música. Eu cantei! Ele me olhou novamente e disse que o meu jeito dava certo. Eu tinha as qualidades para o trabalho! Perguntou se eu queria trabalhar ali. Aceitei de imediato! E foi o acontecimento mais lindo que eu vivi desde então.
Dini Galvão

Message for You

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Be Happy Today

 If we do not decide the happiness today, the way life flies? We could die sad. Why take that risk do not take the time of happiness? We are born happy, despite cry, but a cry of fright, by giving the nose with the oxygen we breathe and just met, and then begins to life outside the womb, is a new situation for a baby. Just scare, but a baby is happy and why not just go through life. I repeat, that happiness is not about tomorrow.
Dini Galvão

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Message of the Day

                                          By clara

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Message of the Day

Mesmo se eu pudesse saber antes de nascer que o mundo seria essa desordem, ainda assim queria ter nascido. Eu não daria o lugar a outro espermatozoide, não!
Dini Galvão

Monday, September 29, 2014

Behind the Horizon.

Behind the horizon should be a rainbow.
Having a white cloud and emerging in a beautiful indigo sky.
It is colors are alive brilliance that brought us peace.
Color may be seven may be even more.
  It's how you covet.
What matters is your imagination dance, fly and creating colorful touch on that in your meditation.
And so in my, in your imagination reassure on shades for your fantasy can soothe and sing the song of love.
Behind Rainbow, you are and do not see me anymore, but I can know that you are there.
Big kiss in your heart!
Dini Galvão

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Message of the Day

Tenho apenas duas mãos e o sentimento do mundo.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Friday, September 26, 2014

Message for you

The laughter and the tragic are human manifestations found in inebriants faces in total surrender in the face of extreme roll of a soul and a feeling they cease, joy or tear will always be on the world stage where spin and give the message to the big close curtain.
Dini Galvão

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Message of the Day

"There are three methods to gaining wisdom. First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest, and third by experience, which is the bitterest."


Shopping Ibirapuera promove a Semana de Conscientização e Combate ao Alzheimer.

Dia 21 de setembro é o Dia Mundial da Doença de Alzheimer. Para orientar e conscientizar as pessoas sobre este mal que acomete mais de 1,2 milhões de brasileiros, o Shopping Ibirapuera, em parceria com a Neurability - clinica especializada na avaliação e treinamento das funções cerebrais -, promove a Semana de Conscientização e Combate ao Alzheimer. De 19 a 28 de setembro, os visitantes do centro comercial poderão conhecer sobre a importância dos cuidados com o cérebro e a sua correlação com o estilo de vida, além de realizar avaliações da performance cerebral para saberem se estão propensos a desenvolver a doença. A ação é gratuita e os testes podem ser realizados até por crianças a partir dos 7 anos.

Os primeiros sinais da doença de Alzheimer são a perda de funções cognitivas, como memória, orientação, atenção e linguagem, causada pela morte de células cerebrais. Por ser uma doença que acomete muitos idosos, pode ser erroneamente diagnosticada como um processo natural do envelhecimento, porém, com o desenvolvimento da doença, as limitações ficam mais claras e mais graves, levando a dificuldades com a rotina diária. “Quanto mais cedo for iniciado o tratamento e o acompanhamento médico, mais chances há de se reduzir a progressão do problema. Por isso a importância em se conhecer os sintomas da doença e realizar testes cerebrais com frequência, não importa a idade”, explica Dr. Jorge Pagura, médico neurocirurgião do Hospital Albert Einstein e diretor da Clínica Neurability.

Para orientar melhor os visitantes do Ibirapuera sobre o Alzheimer, uma equipe de profissionais qualificados e treinados do corpo técnico da Neurability estará no piso Campo Belo realizando testes individuais específicos, utilizados em diversos países e trazidos para o Brasil pela clínica, para a avaliação da memória, linguagem, capacidade de planejamento, atenção, bem como fatores de stress e ansiedade. “Estes testes têm a sensibilidade para identificar sinais precoces de possíveis alterações quando realizados por completo. A detecção dessas alterações propicia uma posterior investigação clínica das anomalias”, explica Pagura, que enfatiza que os testes podem ser realizados a partir dos 7 anos, sem limite de idade, mas que a partir dos 50 anos é aconselhável um check-up da memória e avaliação rotineira.

Mesmo sendo considerado um dos problemas neurológicos que mais afetam a população mundial – estima-se que existam mais de 35 milhões de pessoas com a Doença de Alzheimer no mundo -, muitos ainda apresentam dúvidas em relação ao mal e como ele afeta os portadores. “Durante o evento, o público poderá sanar todas essas dúvidas, de como se pode desenvolver a doença, fatores de riscos, como retardar a doença, além de conhecer os tratamentos disponíveis”, diz Ricardo Portela, gerente de marketing do Shopping Ibirapuera.

E para que está primeira orientação seja ainda mais completa, a equipe também apresentará uma referência dos valores cerebrais normais da população para que cada um possa fazer uma comparação simples dos resultados obtidos nos testes realizados no centro comercial. “E caso a pessoa apresente fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento do Alzheimer, recomendaremos o encaminhamento para uma avaliação completa e detalhada e o acompanhamento médico especializado”, finaliza o Dr. Pagura.

Serviço: Semana de Conscientização e Combate ao Alzheimer
Evento Gratuito
Data: de 19 a 28 de setembro - diariamente
Horário: das 10h às 22h.
Local: Piso Campo Belo – próximo à loja Riachuelo

Shopping Ibirapuera
Av. Ibirapuera, 3.103 – Moema (SP) 
Tel: (11) 5095 2300 
Twitter: @Ibirapuera

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dica do Dia

Tenha coragem, você pode atravessar o deserto da vida. Todos passamos por dificuldades. Algumas são imprevisíveis e inevitáveis. Quem atravessa os vales das doenças emocionais e os supera fica mais bonito interiormente. O mestre da emoção demonstrava que há sempre um oásis no árido solo da existência humana. Procure-o. Ele pode estar mais perto do que você imagina.
Augusto Cury

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

May the Easter be every day in your life
He died but was resurrected on the third day. Then He Lives! Christ lives in me and you.
                                                                                                       Dinizia Galvão

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Message of the Day

Hello! Be strong, restart every day!
Amazing week everyone!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The right key

I asked God for a pure and true love.
He requested the angel to make a very delicate key, outlined with diamonds.
Once ready, the angel would launch somewhere in the universe.
Then it fell in the middle of a garden full of flowers with the colors of the rainbow.
And when the right person to pass there a butterfly flying indicate where it was.
The only work of the person was, to discover which was the heart that the key would open.
                                                                                                   Dinizia Galvão

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Message for you

"When you love someone, isn't that someone who is special.
When you love someone who is special is you!"
                                                   Augusto Branco

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy International Woman's Day!

Mensagem do Dia

"Se alguém lhe bloquear a porta, não gaste energia com o confronto, procure as janelas.Lembre-se da sabedoria da água:A água nunca discute com seus obstáculos, mas os contorna.Quando alguém o ofender ou frustrar, você é a água e a pessoa que o feriu é o obstáculo!Contorne-o sem discutir.Aprenda a amar sem esperar muito dos outros."Augusto Cury