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Monday, November 17, 2014

Beauty in Nature

The moment of beauty starts in the morning. Stands out on the horizon and the sun gradually taking all the blue sky. With it the flowers open a colorful unique look that smile when land and butterflies feed on with the nectar and then fly smiling in gratitude, which seems until  sing, danced and go back later on.
Noon that hot! There is the sun high in the sky and the beautiful sunset clouds warn that rain comes. Noisy thunder and lightning photographing the nature, and the rain falls and runs down in the street torrential waters. Everything so beautiful and so perfect masterpiece is the most gorgeous to see, without even talking about the most beautiful part. When everything cease and no longer rains more, there is the arch on top, colored to look at me, with colors of joy. It is the smiley rainbow.
Soon arrives then at night, a soft breeze touch the faces, incandescent star shines all to harmonize. Overshadowing any other light, the moon says - hello, good night!

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