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Sunday, December 7, 2014


Perseverance and sensitivity of someone who did something and it paid too much.
The seed we sow today cannot be us who we will reap the fruit.

"A man lived in a big city and worked in a factory.
Every day he traveled fifty minutes by bus to go to work.
In the next bus stop to him entered an old lady, who always sought her sit on a bench near the window.
She opened her purse, pulled out a small package and spent the whole trip throwing something out of the bus.
The scene was repeated forever and a day, curious, the man asked her what she threw through the window.
-  I threw seeds, she said.
- Seeds? Seeds of what?
- Of flower. It is that I look out and the road is so empty ... I wish I could travel seeing colorful flowers all the way. Imagine how good it would be!
- But the seeds fall to the asphalt, are crushed by the tires of cars, eaten by birds ... You really think these flowers will be born there, on the roadside?
- I think, boy. Even though many are lost, some end up falling on the ground and over time will sprout.
- Even so slow to grow, need water ...
- I do what should I do. There's always rainy days. And if I do not throw them the seeds, then they can never be born.
Having said that, the old lady turned to the open window and resumed her work.
The man went down just ahead thinking that the lady was already half lapses.
Time passed.
One day, on the same bus sitting by the window, the man was shocked to look out and see flowers on the roadside ... Many flowers ... The landscape was colorful, fragrant, beautiful!
He remembered the old lady, he searched on the bus and asked the conductor, who knew everyone.
- Where's the old lady of the seeds?
- Yeah ... She died of pneumonia last month.
The man returned to his seat and continued looking at the flowery landscape.
Who knew, even the flowers sprouted, he thought. But what good work the old lady did.
The poor thing died and could not see all this beauty.
At that moment, the man heard a child's laughter. In the front seat, a little girl was pointing out the window excitedly:
- Look, how beautiful! How much flower on the road ... What are the names that flowers?
Then the man understood what the old lady had done.
Even not being there to contemplate what she had planted, after she had given a wonderful gift for people.
The next day, the man entered the bus, sat down on the bench near the window and took out a small package."

We will plant seeds too, we can see the flowers or not, but the important thing is that others will see.

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