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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Light from Heaven

Went out a smile in the corner of the lips and often we were laughing and it was there that our happiness was almost unconscious surfaced. I, a child who already knew what I wanted even with so many uncertainties that showed the opposite of my little words:
- Mama, I'm still going to win the world, I'll do it like a hallucinated to reach the top, but as you teach me, climbing the ladder of life without trampling anyone. I want to rock! Thus they passed our days, and you know that I still found it difficult to study because they had no fixed address. Oh! How much trouble is found today, even threats that I was taken away from my mother in court I was scared of it, because with so many problems to solve, but together were pure strength in moments of almost constant worries. Sometimes insecurity came without control, repeatedly watched the crying restrained my mother that were camouflaged with smiles that conveyed me much love. She did not like to show me uncertainty does not allow me to feel fear because for her act of cowardice was inadmissible Mom also worried that I would go out in the adult. How strong she was, never met anyone like that! But it was not only deep hole our life, we enjoyed the adventures that happened because of coincidences, full with dread, I admit, but after that everything ceased, we fell about laughing because after it happened even always we go out unscathed. I will tell of the adventures that under the circumstances we had to pass. Good, when it came in handy on a path it obligation we had to cross. It was us starting our journey in search of a land that my father had left him before he left this world.
I accompanied my mother, began a path that seemed more the desert, it was a road or a large, secluded street with broken asphalt and in places there was no one on the ground or tar if he had was mixed with land tar crumbling. Gave early twilight, the sky was blue as the sun went down, it was like giving the vision, the grandeur, the glamor! Looking up ahead we could see a railway road, continue walking until you get closer, when we spotted two horses. They were red, one still a baby, so I think that would be another mare, and the animals were moving the stones that sustain the steel rails. We take a huge scare, we heard the horn of a train that was coming about one kilometers and animals approaching the train tracks and the train was hurrying the toot. Fast walk for the horses and as we got closer, they also came closer to meet with the train. We try to frighten those horses with no notion it were happy. The train is coming closer, my mother and I tried everything for the mare and her cub came out of there without any success, perplexed and paralyzed watching the scene of horror that was about to happen. At the apex of the precise moment, we only saw one with its hind legs pushing her cub fell on the stones that support rails mother, while she also raised front legs, thus avoiding the impact. Yet we heard a loud noise, saw that great Animal also falling on the stones, and a few more steps we come very close. To our surprise the two horses were standing intact because the train had not even touched them. And what was the big noise we hear then? Once we were over the rocks and then saw another quite different from the other than that is there stone. It was far greater, more or less a kilo, and brownish. Well, the loud noise coming from the impact of the stone with the train we had no doubt, however the question was. Where that big boulder as well came the moment that the horses were going to be run over? Well, that we do not know, but we continue our journey and the horses were in the same direction. But something intrigued me! I felt a strong heat and time.
Became clearer I say this because they were already seven in the evening and winter. I felt strange, it was then that I looked up and I saw a bright light more or less at the same time flying helicopters; so I said:
̶ Look Mom for that up there! She looked and how great was the fright!
- My boy, it bright light! Is up scorching my eye if I look there again, I cannot see the road; I am also feeling my hot body! - Me too! I looked for horses that walked right next to us and realized that they were dripping sweat and the tiniest poor thing; his steps were slow as well. I tried to look again for that clarity and see if I could understand what it was that strange thing. That was too weird! I already did not even know where we were going. The already untenable situation, when my mother said: - My son, we're going back. - Yes Mom, why?

- Because I'm afraid to move.
 I had never heard such words from my mother! I crazy about hear it yourself! Said real quickly:
- Yes we will! Already turned the opposite side, and even before it comes out ahead.
- Marcio Jose, wait, do not be so afraid. Well, well! We care about the horses, see younger. Let's make them come back with us.
I was shitting myself as whole, said:
- Call; just call what they saw behind us. Said this, but I kind of ran! Just heard my mother talking to me:
- Left everything to me. My son, Marcio I also cannot stand this burning light! When I tried to look up, she looked like she was blinking dropping rays.
- We were breathless! - My son seems to need more of me than I of him. That's when I decided to call him, asking him to come help me with the horses:
- Come Marcio Jose, come help me, I cannot do alone. I with dirty pants, yet I was overwhelmed by a wave of courage, greater heat and fear, was even melting the bones. So I went to help my mom. Because it's was not always thus helping one another? Do not let my mother so loved, regardless of the events of the occasion. Good, help the horses by intelligence, or animal instinct, were already returning too. Almost could not bear it warmed our body in waves intense heat, the feeling was that we could pass out and for lack of help, melt. When we asked no more bear the warmth, the light was turning on a light cloud like snow, giving small spins, and that intense heat became cold with the same intensity. Began to tremble now, the chill was hardening, I thought, my mother, the mare, the horse and I were going to have hypothermia. Actually even I was not able to reason very well, however I noticed the temperature was gradually alternating between cold and heat. However it was too cold or too hot! But even better so we could get out of that situation that left us puzzled. Because it would be what was happening? We saw an old warehouse expropriated, we enter that place dirty and full of insects, we did the horses entered too, we spent the night there. The next morning, afraid to go out slowly, we noticed that there was nothing more than light or strange cloud and then we start walking again and we found the terrain where my mother turned into a small plantation it supported us for many years. The horses have found their owner who was the wait. What was that light, or white cloud like snow? The cold and heat so intense; it would be a ghost? No! Do not believe it. Extraterrestrial; for know that to this day I have not found the answer and Mom also was unknowingly.
Dinizia Galvão

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