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Friday, October 31, 2014

Recycling of Life

Deliver flowers to my mom, give her a kiss and run out of the way to school, as always late. It's a great distance to school by green walls and old tables, a black slate and varnished mobile already looks old and needs a makeover. I go every day, I walk over two miles and the road is of red soil, what happens when a car passes me I have to feel the dust in my nostrils going into my throat. And then, if it rains, it's mud that swallows up my feet up to my white socks that Mom makes a point of bleaching them and got that walking into a reddening of the earth and I can not help it, so if I do not take great care even when I fall many times is so slippery that I have to hold on to a tree branch that encounter along the way. So these are many of my days, I come and go. I leave school at one o'clock, I arrive at my house nearly fifteen hours, when it does not rain, but when it happens, then I get sixteen. I walk as fast as I can, because I like to be close to Mom. Only she exists in my life, I love her very much and I am a damn afraid to lose her, all I've got is this person, my mom is my haven and my family. This small family. No, this family is huge within us and that is enough for me, for I realize that it is also sufficient. Often think my mom should find someone and get married, but will she? I fear that he is an outsider and do not want to be intrusive in your life. Sometimes I think I'm selfish because I want us to be only us.
Our life is so hard, there is no money, but with much more economy the way Mom always manages to feed us and pay small bills, with so little income she always makes small purchases too. So we're living in, I think I should work, but no one will give me service. Then I'll work on small crafts. Nowadays many people work with recyclables. Just have to tell my mom that I want to work with recycling and I think she'll agree.
  - Mama, I'm working with recycling. Then she answered me with a question.
- Working with recyclable?
- Yes, there are so many people making a living today?
- - Yes, you can go, just can never stop learning. I think I was clear?
- Yes Mom. She continues talking.
- You must study hard to be a doctor. Going to be a doctor! You want to be a doctor?
- Yes, I want to be, the work will be hard, but I will fight with vigor! Then dare the sound of your voice again.
- That's right! Okay so you can go to work.
- To my mother is very important for me to study, think so too, although I do not like very much my school, but if I want to be a doctor ... I work hard! Well and that is what I do and I know I'll get where I want. My mother always says that everything we want, we can achieve, also says that we must become more awake than asleep. I'm still a teenager and I love to sleep, I can not do anything, well, anything professional because I have none. So I can make so many other jobs to get money, I'll catch cans and other recyclable materials, do odd jobs here and there, like Mom says "cash in hand is still a little better than nothing", I also know we economies and we can achieve many things that I want and need. Mom also need, I know I have to take care of her, I love her so much. Tomorrow after school I go out there and get some hard work and make it into money, yes, I like to do. Everything I do will have great results with dedication and persistence that is what I believe, it is my commitment. We are poor, worthy and I know the strength that comes from within is greater than all the power that is here on the outside, all the power that commands and obeys society, are being controlled and unnoticed. But I assure everyone that with me will be different, very different! If we do not do for us here on this earth, who will? After God, who knows all things, I trust myself and my mother, of course, we also found true friends. But there are moments in life that we must believe in ourselves only.
Early in the morning there I'll harvest the flowers, bring my mother with pleasure she gets with immeasurable love and she always grins. There on that field, I say it's a small grove in the encounter with my beautiful butterflies dancing around me, sometimes they land on me again, I'm really happy! At the end of the harvest of various wildflowers, rushing me to come home. Now I can already see my mother waiting for me at the door and flowers. I approach giving her a kiss on the cheek and out at speed to school. And it seems that walking all the miles I see before me is not easy, but I'm going with courage, I know I have to overcome all obstacles in my way of life.
One more day of school and the end of the period back to my house because I have to go do the work and I know this will be another drudgery of my life.
Arriving home, Mom with breakfast lunch ready, she does not fail in anything, it is impeccable, I immediately begin my meal, the hunger is always huge, like a hungry lion. A simple meal, yet delicious that I do not know how else equal. Vegetables and cereals whenever the garden of our house. Our plantation is being expanded with the passage of time. - Whenever I rest after the meal and then I will help her sell, but today I can not even think about it, I say about rest, I'll have to look and sell recyclable. So I told my mom it was time to go to battle.
   - Mom, I'm going to have! - I give her a kiss and always go out fast not to let her upset. But she called me and said:
   - You will get the cans?
   - Yes mama, I answered, then she told me:
   - Take great care; my son, very careful, you are my highest good! I replied:
- You are mine too!
  - Here I come to find my first job away from home, but because, as I said working on a small plantation farming Mom, even more now that she has reserved a threshing floor is small, but it is well to dry our cereal. I want to do other work also to have an increase in income, I know I'll work double time, it must be so. Times are tough for us and also to make it harder sometimes appears preaches on the plantation and move to fight them, requires hard work.
- So let live: with strength, faith, determination and courage to transform our lives into a promising future, I'm too young, I have much to learn and learn and know in advance is a place where I'll fit in, being a fantastic doctor!
Dinizia Galvão

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