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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Recycling of Life

Always loved this garden, I run here every day to harvest flowers and take them to my beloved mother. Woman, I have like the perfect person above my own life.
I enter through this cultivation of ornamental flowers that nature takes care to show every day, they are of all colors, but the yellow stand out, and there they are also many beautiful butterflies danced to receive me, a dance of flight and one of them lands on the stigma of a flower, and then I always think that that's the flower that I have to harvest, also danced around my body doing reverence simply be that small to me is so strong as presence of those mild characters and a show made just for me. I feel important before them that hypnotize me with their gestures of freedom. I also feel that same feeling overflowing in harmony with them, Webbing me these little beings and dancers. I see a stage, they starring in the scene and I and flowers are the audience. After I admire them with immeasurable refinement there I run sometimes intertwine my feet wet in the bush and by fine white dew on winter mornings. This way always following the butterflies, my favorite, always a blue wing. They are beautiful! I really like this, picking lots of flowers and take them very happy for my mother who is always standing at the door waiting for me. She also loves to receive bouquets and hugging me goes and puts them in a vase, her favorite they are yellow. As everything is gratifying to us that even on rainy days I go looking for that gift that nature gives me and what I offer to my mothers' life. I love giving and receiving love! How fortunate we are! My mother is everything in my life, not think about having a wife when you get older because they think it will disrupt my relationship with my mother. And she always says:
- When you grow up my son will find someone and be happy, that woman will outshine with charm and looks of love; beautiful, completely beautiful! - And when she speaks of beauty, she is telling the most of the beauty that comes from the soul, the innermost being, because my mother is the most important private there within every human being. It is beyond my mother, a very special being, superior qualities, an inexplicable love for the human figure, helping others is a must, do more than that is always love and she does not expect for exchange or return, just makes for pleasure of feeling gratified to help. Imagine what it means to me to have a mother who is looking for others that way as well, I'm proud of so much kindness, humility, simplicity and nobility.
Every morning she wakes me up early because I know that before I will pick flowers. May even seem strange to an outsider, every day the same routine attitude of going to the woods, because they are wildflowers, also have no money to buy a flower shop, We are very poor, my mother is receiving income from sales of a tiny plantation we have in the backyard. It is even very little, because my dad when he departed this world has left nothing for her to receive, because he has always worked as an assistant sundry services, had no record in the professional portfolio, working nozzle.
When I'm already back with the flowers, Mom looks at me and goes away already saying:
- Come on my son you need to study, the school expects you; I see your future, yes, your future. I see a doctor! On one Duarte family was never important, but you will be.
Dinizia Galvão

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