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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Special Person

Once you know a special person can feel that long time ago we were waiting for that moment.
The two souls frantically danced like butterflies revering themselves.
They are like shining lights flashing in imbalance wanting to settle in vain.
As the bandmaster was conducting one of the instruments leave the tone and full orchestra stayed lost before an audience waiting for the perfect song.
These disencounters are what we call, opposites attracting.
Different, but an intense magnetism where the mutual tenderness comes without any effort or splurge.
Valuable time is shared with her precious also pluck a song that plays without speaking, but the heart has the capacity to listen a smile that sings.
Sensitive touch without any a special person know what the other has to say and respond naturally without getting tired, because no hurry, trust each other, whatever, day as night.
Is always there in the looks of understanding backed by silence, screaming loudly, we need ourselves. When a person is special to us, the argument is unnecessary because we cannot understand what is happening within us.
Special person is so, our life shines like the moon in a large metropolis that everyone sees the other sparks of electricity, but we only see a single glare. A moonlit night!
                                                                                    Dini Galvão

Dini Galvão

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