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Thursday, October 25, 2012

History of Vitoria Imaginations

Part of the theatrical text, adapted here, "Imagination of Vitoria," a monologue I wrote in 1998, where I also acted.

My name is Vitoria and you know what? I would like to do some much something that I think is important to me, I want other people to see, but is able to help, you know? Well, somehow help bringing joy, fun and make people happy!
Then one day, walking down the street with nothing to do, had my head down, with millions of ideas, thoughts flew from one to another in seconds, then in a little while I raise my head and look forward then I could see there a little distant, lights, lots of lights, colored, blinking frantically that dazzled my eyes. I felt amazed with such beauty! All I saw was news to me, because I lived in a small town and had never seen anything beyond the monotonous streets that existed there and I think there is so today, because I have always heard that the mayor that city is corrupt, you know, people also sometimes talk very much, but you know, "where there's smoke there's fire." So there I was driving to those lights getting closer and I could see it was a circus. Wow wonderful! So then I approached each moment and getting a little bit more and more and without speaking to anyone. When I walked around to the other side, I got, I got. What a shock! Suddenly I looked to the side and I saw a small door and had a guy who was sitting on a stool in the corner, so I approached him to ask what time would have started to show and he told me so much, we talked for many hours. I was even surprised when he told me that they needed a girl to work in the circus and that my way was good for the job, fit correctly and he invited me to work there, including already wanted to show me the entire circus. I did not even know what to say. After much talk I accepted, it was all I could wish that moment. we match the details and made my clothes and all I needed. When my grandmother knew, I told myself to her, boommmmm, the roof almost fell! She told me:
My honey you are family girl, decent people, honest people, how do you think that? Work with those people! My grandmother was very old and with prejudiced thoughts. Then she told me: "and this matter is finalized." I, very obedient, I was not.
Well, this time, I just wondered how my work would be in the circus and as I had done   my clothes, then I dressed. Oh, and as was well on my body! So I could imagine me doing the scene as the guy had told me how it would be. So there I fly with my ideas:
Attention, attention respectable audience, with you now, the newest attraction, gorgeous, amazing! Vitoria for you! I walked in that moment in my imaginary stage arena. Dancing, singing and feeling the shudder in my belly that every artist feels before making the scene
I sang too much, danced too, looked toward the audience who turned their gazes all to me; I was the center of attention at the time. Arena, arena stage? Just know that the feeling was so wonderful! After my performance I just ducked, looked intently toward the audience and said:
— If you have a will, make it your goal and if it is what you want, chase, fight! But fight hard, with courage, with force, claw, courage and get what you want. Remember, what you want! Finished my performance I realized that it was another opportunity that I missed!
                                                                              Copyrigth © 2000 Dinizia Galvão  



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